Pointers in C++ are variables that store memory addresses. They're a powerful feature that allows for efficient memory management and manipulation.
Basic Concept: A pointer holds the memory address of another variable.
Declaration: Syntax is:
type* pointer_name;
Initialization: Use the address-of operator (&) to get a variable's address.
Dereferencing: Use the dereference operator (*) to access the value at the address.
Pointer Arithmetic: You can perform arithmetic on pointers.
Null Pointers: Pointers can be set to null to indicate they don't point to any valid memory.
Pointers and Arrays: Array names decay to pointers to their first elements.
Pointers to Functions: You can have pointers to functions, useful for callbacks.
Dynamic Memory Allocation: Pointers are crucial for dynamic memory management.
Const Pointers: You can have constant pointers or pointers to constants.
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