Friend Function

Friend functions in C++ are a special type of functions that are granted access to private and protected members of a class, even though they are not members of that class.

Key points about friend functions:

  1. Declaration: Friend functions are declared inside the class definition using the friend keyword, but they are not member functions of the class.

  2. Access: They can access private and protected members of the class without being a member of that class.

  3. Scope: They are not in the scope of the class, and they don't have a this pointer.

  4. Declaration vs. Definition: The function can be declared as a friend in the class definition, but the actual function definition is outside the class.

  5. Cannot be inherited: Friendship is not inherited, meaning if a base class has a friend function, it doesn't automatically become a friend of the derived class.

Here's a simple example to illustrate friend functions:

#include <iostream>

class Box {
    int width, height, depth;

    Box(int w, int h, int d) : width(w), height(h), depth(d) {}

    // Declaration of friend function
    friend int getBoxVolume(const Box& b);

    // Friend function can be a member of another class
    friend class BoxPrinter;

// Definition of friend function
int getBoxVolume(const Box& b) {
    // Can access private members of Box
    return b.width * b.height * b.depth;

class BoxPrinter {
    void printBoxDimensions(const Box& b) {
        // Can access private members of Box
        std::cout << "Width: " << b.width 
                  << ", Height: " << b.height 
                  << ", Depth: " << b.depth << std::endl;

int main() {
    Box myBox(3, 4, 5);
    std::cout << "Volume: " << getBoxVolume(myBox) << std::endl;

    BoxPrinter printer;

    return 0;

Run it here.

In this example:

  1. getBoxVolume is a friend function of the Box class. It can access private members of Box.

  2. BoxPrinter is a friend class of Box. All its member functions can access private members of Box.

  3. The getBoxVolume function and BoxPrinter::printBoxDimensions method can access width, height, and depth directly, even though they're private.

Use cases for friend functions:

  1. When you need a function to have access to private members of a class, but you don't want it to be a member function.

  2. For operator overloading, especially when the left-hand operand is not an object of the class (like stream insertion operators).

  3. To allow a function to work intimately with two different classes.

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