Available Operators
Not all operators are available for overloading, Here is a list of available operators for overloading.
Arithmetic Operators:
Assignment Operators:
(addition assignment)-=
(subtraction assignment)*=
(multiplication assignment)/=
(division assignment)%=
(modulus assignment)
Comparison Operators:
(less than)>
(greater than)<=
(less than or equal to)>=
(greater than or equal to)==
(equal to)!=
(not equal to)
Increment/Decrement Operators:
Logical Operators:
(logical AND)||
(logical OR)!
(logical NOT)
Bitwise Operators:
(bitwise AND)|
(bitwise OR)^
(bitwise XOR)~
(bitwise NOT)<<
(left shift)>>
(right shift)
Member Access Operators:
(dot operator)->
(arrow operator)
Subscript Operator:
(subscript operator)
Function Call Operator:
(function call operator)
Comma Operator:
(comma operator)
New and Delete Operators:
(memory allocation)delete
(memory deallocation)
Important Notes
You cannot overload operators for built-in types like
, etc.Overloaded operators must have at least one operand of user-defined type.
The return type of an overloaded operator function is usually the same as the left-hand operand's type.
Overloading can be done for both member functions and global functions.
By understanding these overloadable operators and their guidelines, you can effectively extend the behavior of your custom classes in C++.
Last updated