🪅Data Types

  • Integer types:

    • char: 1 byte

    • short: 2 bytes

    • int: 4 bytes (can be 2 bytes on some 16-bit systems)

    • long: 4 bytes on 32-bit systems, 8 bytes on 64-bit systems

    • long long: 8 bytes

  • Unsigned integer types:

    • unsigned char: 1 byte

    • unsigned short: 2 bytes

    • unsigned int: 4 bytes

    • unsigned long: 4 bytes (32-bit) or 8 bytes (64-bit)

    • unsigned long long: 8 bytes

  • Floating-point types:

    • float: 4 bytes

    • double: 8 bytes

    • long double: 12 or 16 bytes (compiler dependent)

  • Boolean type:

    • bool: 1 byte

  • Void type:

    • void: no size (used to indicate no value)

  • Wide character type:

    • wchar_t: 2 or 4 bytes (compiler dependent)

  • Character types (C++11 and later):

    • char16_t: 2 bytes

    • char32_t: 4 bytes

  • Fixed-width integer types (C++11 and later):

    • int8_t, uint8_t: 1 byte

    • int16_t, uint16_t: 2 bytes

    • int32_t, uint32_t: 4 bytes

    • int64_t, uint64_t: 8 bytes

To get the exact size of a type on your specific system and compiler, you can use the sizeof operator:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "Size of int: " << sizeof(int) << " bytes\n";
    std::cout << "Size of long: " << sizeof(long) << " bytes\n";
    // Add more types as needed
    return 0;

Example showcasing overflow, causing wrap:

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>

int main() {
    // Signed integer
    int signed_num = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); // Maximum value
    signed_num++; // Increment by 1
    std::cout << "Signed num: " << signed_num << std::endl; // Output: negative limit

    // Unsigned integer
    unsigned int unsigned_num = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(); // Maximum value
    unsigned_num++; // Increment by 1
    std::cout << "Unsigned num: " << unsigned_num << std::endl; // Output: 0 (wraps around)

    return 0;

Run it here.

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