🔥Build Process

C++ build process

Here is a graph of c++ build process:

  1. Preprocessing:

    • The preprocessor handles directives like #include, #define, and #ifdef.

    • It expands macros and includes the content of header files.

    • Output: Expanded source code.

    • Generate pre-processed file using: g++ -E your_file.cpp > preprocessed.cpp

  2. Compilation:

    • The compiler translates the preprocessed code into assembly language.

    • This step includes syntax checking and optimization.

    • Output: Assembly code.

    • Generate Compiled file using: g++ -S your_code.cpp

  3. Assembly:

    • The assembler converts the assembly code into machine code.

    • Output: Object files (.o or .obj).

  4. Linking:

    • The linker combines multiple object files and resolves external references.

    • It incorporates code from libraries (static or dynamic).

    • Output: Executable file or library.

Key points about the build process:

  • Each .cpp file is typically compiled separately into an object file.

  • The linker brings together all object files and libraries to create the final executable.

  • Header files (.h) are not compiled directly but are included in .cpp files.

  • Static libraries (.a or .lib) are incorporated directly into the executable.

  • Dynamic libraries (.so or .dll) are referenced by the executable but loaded at runtime.

Common build tools:

  1. Compilers: GCC, Clang, MSVC

  2. Build systems: Make, CMake, Ninja

  3. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): Visual Studio, CLion, Eclipse

Example of a simple build command using GCC:

g++ -c file1.cpp file2.cpp   # Compile to object files
g++ file1.o file2.o -o myprogram   # Link object files into an executable

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