Interview Questions



  • Android Boot Sequence:

  • Platform Architecture:

  • AIDL

  • media App Architecture -> Link

  • Persistant App

  • Android.bp


  • Launch Modes -> Default, SingleTop, SingleTask, SingleInstance

  • Parcellable/Serealizable

  • Activity Lifecycle

  • Fragment Lifecycle

  • Fragment .add() vs .replace() -> Link

  • Implicit/Explicit Intent

  • Threads, Looper, handler, handler thread

  • 9-Patch Image


  • OOPS:

    • Inheritance

    • Polymorphism

    • Abstraction

    • Encapsulation

  • Solid Principals

  • Design Patterns -> Creational, Behavioural, Structural

    • Creational: Singleton, Builder, Factory, Abstract Factory

    • Behavioural: Chain Of resp, Observer

    • Structural: Proxy, Adapter, Facade, Decorator

  • Architecture Patterns -> MVC, MVP, MVVM (android)

  • Memory Leak


  • inline functions

  • Scope function

  • infix functions

  • Coroutine

    • Scope

    • Dispatcher

    • Job

    • CoroutineExceptionHandler


  • Write a function that accepts a list of integers and returns the two numbers that add up to a target value. For example, given the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and a target value of 6, your function should return the tuple (1, 5) or (2, 4).

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